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SUPERNORMAL is work in progress developed at BoxoPROJECTS in the desert of southern California, It looks at ‘supernormal stimuli’ and how they effect behaviour and creativity, using the extreme landscape of the desert as a prism. The abundance of excessive stimuli is a fact of contemporary life. Humans reach for screens, social media, pornography, or junk food as a joyous escape from the monotony of the everyday, but they also become addictive and alienate us from other aspects of experience; they both inspire and constrain us. Jacob’s work aims to sit with this duality. The advent of Artificial Intelligence that can generate seductively realistic images of anything you can imagine will undoubtedly add new dimensions to this dynamic of fantasy/reality or real/synthetic. The unique environment of the desert provides a space in which he can investigate and challenge his own ideas about creativity, meaning-making, agency and inertia.

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